The feature of today's organic solderability preservatives.
Most of the time, the Organic Solderrability Preservatives is means OSP process.
If you have experience of PCB manufacturing.
You may know this complex process.
But if you don't anything about the PCB making.
It's doesn't matter.
Because HTD circuits all articles will show you detailed PCB manufacturers' information.
Before reading the below content, Jim recommend you read the article of You must know the first use OSP PCB surface finishes in history - Quick turn PCB series 125.
Because this article content related to today's topic.
So far the issue, back to OSP board features.
The feature of OSP board have improved.
The first feature is the OSP board standards have improved.
During to the OSP board standards improve.
Most of the OSP board price also have changed, it's become cheap and cheap.
But this feature also has a disadvantage.
By today's standards, this would be considered applicable only for lower technologies.
The second feature is OSP board performance also have improved.
This may most guys ignore the feature of OSP boards.
The latest OSP formulas are far more robust.
In fact that is the biggest reason so many electronic companies choose OSP board.
The third feature of OSP board is lead free requirement.
Europe today require all electronic products RoHS certifications.
RoHS make relates to OSP board.
Because OSP boards are designed for lead-free assembly.
And the fourth feature is the shelf life become more lean.
They can handle multiple heat cycles and have a one year shelf life.
So above 4 points are the features of today's OSP bored.
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