Monday, January 26, 2015

You must know Inexperienced PCB stencil design Introduce

You know the PCB assembly decision is very important PCB performance.
If you use low PCB stencil to assembly PCB components.
The PCB products performance were very bad.

Inexperienced PCB stencil design
An inexperienced CM may select a “middle ground” 5 or 6-mil thick stencil for a mixed-signal PCB design and thus eliminate the two different and critical cycles of paste deposition.

As a result, defects are created at assembly. 
That also they use best material can’t produce best PCB stencils.
For example, if you have finer pitch devices such as QFNs or micro BGAs, there is the possibility of shorts between the balls.

Related PCB stencils design:

PCB stencil printer is very important for PCB stencils design

PCB stencil printer is very important for PCB stencils design.
It’s the process used for printing solder paste onto PCBs. 

Related to PCB stencil design

Today, with PCBs heavily loaded with mixed-signal technology and finer pitch devices, stencil design and its application at the assembly level are taking on new dimensions. 
PCB stencil design also developing with PCB industry.

PCB stencil design must meet PCB requirement

Some tips to follow when your mixed-signal designs are ready to go to your contract manufacturer (CM) or EMS provider.
If  you order PCB stencil design not meet PCB requirements.
There were many trouble due you assembly PCB stencils.

PCB stencil printer is very important for PCB stencils design

Related PCB stencils design:

Friday, January 23, 2015

Make you pcb stencil difference printed equipment

Make you pcb stencil difference printed equipment have many types.
But Jim just want to introduce the PCB stencils printer.
Not only so many PCB manufacturers require low prince.
But also the PCB stencil printer many PCB guy don't know.

Make you pcb stencil difference printed equipment

PCB stencil printer is stencil making equipment.
But many PCB guy don't know PCB stencil printer.
That also the reason why Jim surmmary some tips about PCB stencil printer.

Use PCB stenicl printer reason
If you have read our shared PCB stencil articles.
You may know the custom PCB stencil become more and more popular.
Stainless Steel Stencils are laser cut SMT stencils custom-made for your own prototype PCB boards using your Gerber or CAD files.
But custom PCB stencil have many special require.

In fact HTD Group most circuit board stencils use printer maker code.
This can easy found PCB stencils.

Even you want to printed some code of you company,not only the logo.
We also can printed most info on surface PCB stencils.

Printed PCB stencils advatages
Use PCB stencil printer making stencil have many advatages.
Key features:
Eliminate (reduce) the tedious error-prone process of hand soldering your prototype circuit boards.
Reduce PCB prototype assembly time
Improve quality of your prototype printed circuit boards
Lower cost than production stencil
Easy to order

Related to PCB stencil printed equipment:

Thursday, January 22, 2015

80% printed circuit board is use PCB stencils assembly

80% printed circuit board is use PCB stencils assembly.
This is very high degree to PCB industry.

But Jim want to ask the stencil PCB have many types.
How to judge the PCB stencil is necessary?
Or why would I need a PCB Stencil?

First is the PCB assembly technology develop.
If you have read our HTD circuits shared articles before.
You must learn many PCB making technology.
PCB surface mount is this situation.
Stencils replace hand soldering of surface mount devices, and the inconsistencies created by hand soldering.

Second is the speed of PCB mount.
They allow for direct placement of solder paste to the surface to be soldered.
This mean the speed use PCB stencil can faster before.

From a purely statitical standpoint,80% PCB mount is use PCB stencil.
That also the reason why so many PCB supplies also produce PCB stencils.

You may interest:

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Circuit boards for sale system can help custom PCB orders

We HTD circuits will introduce three circuit boards for sale system benefits for custom PCB orders.
In fact this is very special PCB order online system.
Not only order you PCB boards, but also can handle most of process problems.
Function of circuit boards for sale system
First is the function of circuit boards for sale system.
You just go to our HTD circuits website to use it.
Online order you PCB project is the first functions of this system.
It’s intralogistic, so it transports the parts from point A to point B. 

Intelligent of the circuit boards for sale system

Second is the intelligent of the circuit boards for sale system.
The system is fully intelligent; it can choose the way that you want, even if that way is occupied. 

Use way very simple

Third is use way very simple.
The big advantage of this system is that it is fully flexible. 
If you need to extend or change the track, it is very simple and not a lot of hardware is necessary for a change. 
The interesting things for the electronic industry is that you can have some assembly parts on the shuttle, 
so that during the transport of the parts we can take current from the rail and take control of the functions of the parts.
If you have some question about the cirucit boards for sale system.Please contact HTD circuits.

You May Interest:
Two factors effect custom circuit board printing order
The reason why so many companies buy bad PCB from China?
HTD Group is a leading printed circuit boards UK supply
The circuit board prototyping promotion beyond you expect
PCB fab is international word

Two way learn HTD circuits shared latest articles

How to learn Printed circuit board technology?
This is very personal question.
If you are PCB design you must know most technology about PCB.
So notice the latest circuit board news is very important.
Jim shared you two way to learn printed circuit board technology:
One way is find a professional PCB forum.
In fact Jim often go to a PCB forum:
Second is notice the blog of Jim.
And Jim  will shared more China PCB industry news,like below article:
Two way learn HTD circuits shared latest articles
You May Interest:
Make PCB is very professional process
HTD Group is your best pirnted ciruit board manufacturer choice for your PCB project
PCB etching is complex
You may don't the really printed circuit industry of China
PCB online system is beyond you expect.

custom circuit board printing

We have discus China cirucit board industry before.
Today we are going to discuss custom circuit board printing.

First of all Jim want shared a US friend email to me about custom circuit board printing.
Below is part of the content of email:
Many engineers I know all want to fabricate PCBs for the custom, prototype, or one of a kind projects, but they often can not afford to have them printed at the volume many board houses require.
What are some cheap PCB printing services out there?
Personally, I am looking for board houses that will print 1 - 10 boards for less than 2 dollars a piece. Component placement services a plus!

This is very narmal custom PCB requiret.
But if you don't know how the custom circuit board printing.
You may find PCB supplies very difficult.

Jim think first effect factor is location of custom circuit board printing.
Location PCB manufacturer mean shorter ship time.
And also means the prince of the custom circuit board printing more low.

Second is the delivery of PCB order.
You know the delivery mean more compitive.
So more and more electronic companies choose fast delivery PCB fabrication.

Hence, within this industry we will find companies whose products and services are in constant demand, especially in this rapidly advancing technological age.
custom circuit board printing

You May Interest:
PCB stencils price
Contact HTD
HTD Profile
How to custom circuit board?
PCB industry very important
The circuit board prototyping promotion beyond you expect
PCB fab is international word

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

HTD Group is Printed circuit boards manufacturer from China

Today we will introduce three fact about the Printed circuit board.
First is PCB industry very important.
If PCB industry develop very fast,
other related to electronic industries also very well.

Second is the supply of PCB industry.
Almost related to all of electronic companies.
Big companies can't lefe PCB industry support.
If there were no PCB supplies.
They can't produce anything.

Third is complex of PCB industry.
We normal view PCB industry related to many PCB industry.
Due to this this reason PCB industry have many branch parts.
And every brand parts match one electry industry.

So the Printed Circuit Boards industry is another of those root industries that supplies a multitude of branch industries, with its companies at the base of numerous production trees.

You May Interest:
PCB stencils price
Contact HTD
HTD Profile
How to custom circuit board?

Monday, January 19, 2015

Custom circuit board is very proffesional work

Many PCB supplies say they can custom circuit board,
but most of them don't want to guarantee about the custom circuit board.

Jim have write a article about the custom circuit board.
Not list all factor related to circuit board.
But Jim think those three point the main factor.

If you want to read,Please go to this page: ... place.html

You May Interest:
PCB stencils price
Contact HTD
HTD Profile
How to custom circuit board?
HTD Group is a leading printed circuit boards UK supply
The circuit board prototyping promotion beyond you expect
PCB fab is international word

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Related to Custom circuit board factors

Custom circuit board must list Guarantee to first place.
Not only the delivery guarantee but also the quality etc.

HTD Group has complete in-house process capabilities which allow us to customize our processes to your design. 
This capability is the custom circuit board important condition.

The first reason is a PCB manufacturer must carefully build each board to meet customer specifications. 
Not only the experience of PCB making must required.
But also the custom specifications of circuit boards.

And the second factor related to custom circuit board is process engineers.
Process engineers work to resolve any problems throughout each step to make sure the board is manufactured properly.

Third factor is the QS process or inspection process. 
As part of our quality assurance, our inspection staff also reviews the boards at various points throughout the process to ensure that we are meeting and exceeding customer quality requirements. Quality is everyone's job at our facility.  

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Notice you PCB production service supplies issue

PCB production service issue
Many foreign electronic company purchases all ask this question. 
Most of the time there was somebody saying “yes” due to their company order ideally PCB boards.
And other guys say “no”.
Every one has their each own view. To PCB production service issue is very complex.
Jim doesn’t want to simply say “yes” or “no”.
We want to discuss PCB production service supplies.

China PCB production service market

China has large count of PCB production service companies.
That was also the reason why foreign electronic companies order PCB production from China.
And the second reason chooses it’s advantage.
Like the quality of the the PCB production.

Advantage of China PCB production service

There were many China PCB production PCB manufacturers make many promotions.
Also the delivery very fast compared to the normal PCB order.
The second advantage of China PCB production service is RMB exchange rate.
You know the RMB exchange rate has turned down.
This mean foreign pay same money can order more PCB production boards.

Notes order PCB production from China 

But all things have two sides.
Even thought the PCB production service from China also have noticing.
First notice factor is the PCB fabrication capability.
Also most China have advantage to making the PCB.
But some the PC boards really can’t produce.
And the second should notice is the price.
All product price depends on material.
If you just choose a PCB production service by price.
You may pay more money to handle those issues.

You may also interest below:
Make PCB is very professional process
HTD Group is your best pirnted ciruit board manufacturer choice for your PCB project
PCB etching is complex
You may don't the really printed circuit industry of China
PCB online system is beyond you expect.
printed circuit board companies have many choice
DIY PCB is very complex PCB making process
HTD Group is a leading printed circuit boards UK supply
The circuit board prototyping promotion beyond you expect
PCB fab is international word