Thursday, October 20, 2016

From a HTD PCB manufacturer to discuss impedance control

From a HTD PCB manufacturer to discuss impedance control.
If you want to learn more impedance control solution for big brand customers, please contact to us.

Let’s take the cable connecting your TV to your antenna\satellite dish and look at it through the lens of impedance.

The purpose of this cable is to transfer the signal from one device (in this case your satellite dish) to another (in this case your TV).

To obtain the best possible signal, the impedance of the satellite dish must match that of the cable and the impedance of the cable must match that of the TV.

If the impedances don’t match, then only a portion of the signal gets transferred down the line to the TV.

The rest of the signal gets sent back along the line to the antenna where it gets resent and another portion of it may now get to the TV but obviously later than the original signal.

This impedance mismatch causes interference in the signal resulting in a blurred picture on our TV or even some double imaging if the mismatch is particularly bad.

Now transfer this scenario to PCBs and imagine the consequences if the correct signals were not

reaching their destination at the required time due to a mismatch in impedance.

Basically nothing would work as well as it should. Controlling impedance then sounds like a pretty good idea, but how do you go about it?

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