Sunday, September 25, 2016

Get your own customized PCBs to serve your multiple project purpose

The rapid growth of technology has been able to make our lives easier and luxurious. The machine dependent works are now less time-consuming and smoother. This continuous technological growth and the electronics world have a symbiotic relation between each other. We cannot expect a day without the help of electronics. And the increasing aura of electronics is much dependent on the use of printed circuit boards, abbreviated as PCBs.
PCBs are a pathway to mechanically hold and electrically connect different types of electronic devices within a small piece of board that can be used as a standard in many electronics projects. The electronic components are connected through some conductive material on a non-conductive board. Mainly copper is used as the connecting material as copper is much cheaper than the other conductive materials. The PCB makers in china have proved themselves as one of the biggest PCB markets. There is a variety of online marketing platforms that accept PCB online quotes. Many of the PCB manufacturers accept quotes from customers worldwide. In spite of the challenges like different time zones, language difference and the cultural difference the companies have been able to serve the overseas customers and grow their business.
Along with the standard PCBs sometimes you may need to get your own customized PCBs to serve your multiple project purpose. There is also an option to submit your quote online to get a custom PCB. All you need to do is:
• Mention the type of material you want to print your PCB on.
• Mention the specifications of your customized PCB.
• Get a quote instantly. The payment issues may differ for different manufacturers.
There are PCBs in the market containing a number of layers from 2 to 12. You can choose any number of layers according to your need. You can also get a flexible PCB that works as a connector as well as a PCB to make your job easier. Flex PCBs need no external connector when used in making circuits. You can also get your online PCB quotes for flexible customized PCBs. The PCBs can be made by printing on one side or both sides.
So whether you want a custom PCB or a standard one, you can submit your quote whenever and wherever you need. All you need is to be specific about your requirements. Or you might end up being delivered a wrong product. So go ahead and submit your PCB quote…..your customized PCB is just a click away from you!Getting an Online PCB Quote Was Never So Easy! Please feel free to ask any PCB questions to mail

Friday, September 23, 2016

Advantages of using flexible PCBs

No matter to what extent you excel in electronics, you can never underestimate the usefulness of PCBs. PCBs or printed circuits boards are the basics of electronics to provide you with an excellent circuit making experience without burning or wasting any of the components. There are lots of PCB manufacturing companies in china. You can name HTD circuits as one of them. Before the PCBs were invented people needed to go through the tedious process of point-to-point wiring, but now PCBs have been able to make it much easier to work with the circuits and to deal with electronics stuff.
And the job has been made yet easier with the invention of flexible PCB! As the name suggests, the printed circuit boards are not rigid, yet flexible. This is broadly a replacement of traditional wire harness. The flexible PCBs are a great advent of the technology that assembles electronic circuits by fixing electronic devices on some flexible plastic substrates such as polyimide, transparent conductive polyester film etc. The flexible PCBs, commonly known as flex circuits, come into both one-sided and double-sided circuits to maximize the utilization and minimize the space.
The flexible printed circuits have taken up the electronics industry largely today. They serve as a great replacement for tedious job of connecting wires and checking for loose connection of wires. The flex PCBs can be installed bent, twisted or folded.
> Flexibility: The main advantage of using the flexible PCBs is the elasticity. The flex circuits have eased the job of point-to-point wiring. They have almost nullified the usage of physical wires and connectors as the flex PCBs themselves can be used as connectors.
> Reduced space and weight: The usage of flexible PCBs has greatly decreased the size and weight of the electronic circuits.
> Bending cycles: The flex PCBs with 200000 bending cycles can be used to eliminate the #D connectors.
> Increased performance issues: The flex circuits have been proven to serve as more reliable and durable ones. As we know that lesser the connectors are, lesser are the chances of potential failure. The flex PCBs have a greater shield to vibration and shocks and thus improve the performance. The flex PCBs are also able to eliminate the wire routing errors.
> High-temperature applications: The flex circuit material such as polyimide is said to dissipate heat at a larger rate that any other dielectric material. As a reason, the flex PCBs have a greater tolerance to high temperature minimizing the effect of expansion and contraction.
> Reduced cost: As the flex circuits come with a tiny size and reduced weight, they need a lesser packaging cost than the rigid ones.Flexible PCBs: A New Range of PCBs, if you want place flexible PCB order, please mail to

Monday, September 12, 2016

Why we should know Multilayer MCPCB prototype Construction

The process of MCPCB prototype manufacturing

If you have read our before articles about MCPCB manufacturers, you may learn some the process of MCPCB.
But to prototype MCPCB process is some or difference from the normal PCB?
Follow our content to continue.
A thin sheet of dielectric, typically around.006” thick, is drilled, plated and etched much like a standard double sided printed circuit board.
The sheet is then laminated using thermally conductive bonding material to the metal base.

Why we should know Multilayer MCPCB prototype Construction

For MCPCB designer, there were many rules to follow to finish MCPCB design project.
Designs with higher component counts may not have room for all the required routing on a single layer.
In this case a Multilayer layer design is required.
This extra routing layer result in components further away from the heat-sink and reduced heat transfer so this construction is recommended only when necessary.
Multilayer MCPCB prototype Construction introducing

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Do you know PCB trace configurations

As PCB signal switching speeds increase today's PCB designer needs to understand and control the impedance of PCB traces. With the short signal transition times and high clock rates of modern digital circuitry, PCB traces need to be considered not as simple connections but as transmission lines.

What is controlled impedance?

Probably the most common example of a controlled impedance component is the downlead (or feeder) connecting a receiving aerial to a wireless or television set. Aerial feeder leads usually take the form of "flat twin" cable (commonly supplied with VHF broadcast receivers) or low-loss coaxial cable. In both cases the impedance of the feeder is controlled by the physical dimensions and material of the cable.

PCB trace configurations

You can think of PCB traces as short cables, precisely constructed, connecting the devices mounted on the board, where the PCB trace, like the coax inner conductor, carries the signal and is insulated from its return path (in this case a ground plane) by the board laminate. This is shown in cross section in the microstrip configuration, left.

The dimensions for trace width W1 and W2, thickness T1 and laminate height H1 and H2 and the dielectric constants Er1 and Er2must be strictly controlled. Solder resist on the surface reduces the impedance slightly so the more predictable stripline configuration shown left is often used.

So why do we need to control impedance?

The receiving aerial possesses a natural, or characteristic, impedance and electrical theory shows that for the aerial to transfer maximum power to the set (and to ensure the integrity of the electrical signal) the impedance both of the feeder and the receiver should match that of the aerial. In other words the signal should ideally be presented with a constant impedance as it travels from its source to its destination. Where a mismatch occurs only part of the signal will be transmitted; the rest will be reflected toward the source (this degrades the signal). Cable designers therefore take great care to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the cable dimensions and material characteristics. At high signal switching speeds, the electrical properties of the cable, such as the capacitance and inductance, must be taken into account, and cables can no longer be considered as simple wires. Cables designed for high signal speeds where these factors are taken into consideration are referred to as transmission lines.

Controlled impedance on PCBs

Similarly, as the speed of signal switching on a PCB increases, the electrical properties of the traces carrying signals between devices become increasingly more important. The impedance of a PCB trace is controlled by

its configuration
dimensions (trace width and thickness and height of the board material)
dielectric constant of the board material
As with a cable, when the signal encounters a change of impedance arising from a change in material or geometry, part of the signal will be reflected and part transmitted. These reflections are likely to cause aberrations on the signal which may degrade circuit performance (e.g. low gain, noise and random errors). In practice board designers will specify impedance values and tolerances for board traces and rely on the PCB manufacturer to conform to the specification.

Testing the PCB

Most controlled impedance PCBs undergo 100% testing. However, it is not uncommon for the actual PCB traces to be inaccessible for testing. In addition, traces may be too short for accurate measurement and may well include branches and vias which would also make exact impedance measurements difficult. Adding extra pads and vias for test purposes would affect performance and occupy board space. PCB testing is therefore normally performed, not on the PCB itself, but on one or two test coupons integrated into the PCB panel. The coupon is of the same layer and trace construction as the main PCB and includes traces with precisely the same impedance as those on the PCB, so testing the coupon affords a high degree of confidence that the board impedances will be correct.

Measuring controlled impedance

Impedance measurements are usually made with a time domain reflectometer (TDR). The TDR applies a fast voltage step to the coupon via a controlled impedance cable and probe. Any reflections in the pulse waveform are displayed on the TDR and indicate a change in impedance value (this is known as a discontinuity). The TDR is able to indicate the location and scale of discontinuity. Using appropriate software the TDR can be made to plot a graph of the impedance over the length of the test trace on the coupon. The resulting graphical representation of the trace characteristic impedance allows previously complex measurements to be performed in a production environment.

Calculating controlled impedance

The equations for characteristic impedance require very complex mathematics, and impedances are usually calculated using field solving methods including boundary element analysis. For further details of field solving methods and Polar's field solvers see Polar's Si8000m multiple dielectric field solving controlled impedance design and Si9000e insertion loss GHz PCB transmission line field solver pages.