Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Complete coverage of copper pads of HASL finish

Typical thickness of standard HASL PCB surface finish and lead free HASL PCB surface finish.

Typical thickness of standard HASL PCB surface finish

In fact many PCB guys do’t know this thickness.
So we should shared more about typical thickness to let more people learn standard HASL surface finish.
HTD Group HASL expert told Jim,
Typical thickness:70 micro inch – 200 micro inch,but this thickness data also depend on each PCB technology.

Complete coverage of copper pads of HASL finish

Raw materials can seriously affect the quality and reliability of PCB’s. IPC have produced a range of documents that enable companies to evaluate what is suitable for their requirements.
However IPC spec calls for only complete coverage of copper pads.
More IPC spec:https://www.ipc.org/4.0_Knowledge/4.1_Standards/SpecTree.pdf

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The reason why introduce HASL PCB surface finish


Two kind of HASL PCB surface finish metals typesThe reason why introduce HASL PCB surface finish

HASL PCB circuit board metals introduce is necessary.
There were two different metals related to HASL PCB surface finish.
But many people don’t know this.
So HTD Group shared more info about metals of HASL PCB surface finish.

HASL standard surface finish typically:Tin-Lead

First is named HASL standard surface finish.
HASL standard surface finish typically metal is Tin-Lead.
This kind of HASL surface finish is normaly.
Buy the way,you may want read the definetion of Tin lead solder.
Tin/lead solders, also called soft solders, are commercially available with tin concentrations between 5% and 70% by weight.

HASL lead free surface finish typically:tin-copper,tin-copper-nickel,or tin-copper nickel germanium

Second is named HASL  lead free surface finish.
HASL lead free surface finish typically are tin-copper,tin-copper-nickel,or tin-copper nickel germanium.
Now more and more people notice the environment.
and more and more electronic companies also want produce green products.
This require PCB also lead free.
So the HASL lead free surface finish is coming.
HASL lead free surface finish met ‘green’.